Sunday, December 30, 2012

Bench Week 3 of 10 for Arnold

Deload. 5 x 5 floor presses @ 315. Felt pretty good, just a little slower than I would have liked. I really like floor presses. I am weird the last couple inches before lockout. My right arm lags bad and I really have to fight. These have helped big time. If you don't do them, do, and go heavy. Incline DB presses, band press downs, and band flys finished the day.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Squats Week 3 of 10 for Arnold

Today was a deload day.  Felt good to take it easy.  3 sets of 2 with 480, felt awesome...  No discomfort in the hips so all seems to be good.  Did some raw pause squats and they were pretty good too.  I changed my foot position a little, pointing my toes further out to take some of the pressure of my hips and was able to get down and sit in to the squat and pop out really good.  I havent been able to squat raw and wide in a long time so I was happy with today.  Finished off with reverse hypers and planks.  All in all everything felt good and I think I'm just about healed up.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Deadlifts Week 2 of 10 for Arnold

Unbelievable...  I actually finished a deadlift day and completed all my reps.  Of course I had to lower my weight and recalculate my percentages but oh well...  I suck at pulling in the gym so to get some work in I have to do what needs to be done.  I pulled 515 for 2X2 and then 540 2X2 off blocks.  I got video of it all but for some reason the block pulls were sideways and I couldn't get them right.  I am really liking pulling in the Jack.  It really feels like its pushing you up.  My hip flexor is finally starting to feel normal again but if I try to squat or pull wide its still there.  If I can knock this head cold I will pretty much be 100%.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Week 2of10 Bench for Arnold

I had thought the bench meet Wednesday would cause some problems today... I was correct. Everything was off. I limped through half the heavy work and called it. Was supposed to finish with 545 to a 2bd for 2 but only got 1. Elbows, shoulders, upper back, everything was hurting. Skipped the heavy RB close grips and I love those. Did some band press downs and band flys and came home. Next week is deload and I need it for bench.
Merry Christmas everybody!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Week 2of10 squats for Arnold

Chilly for south Florida this morning so it took a little bit to get going. And my briefs were on real quick. After we got going the weight felt really good on my back. Everybody was looking strong this morning, or maybe we were just tighter than normal... I worked up to 2 sets of 3 with 605 straps down. Then 2 sets of 2 with 685 RB straps up. All of it felt pretty good and fast. I forgot to film so I didn't get to see anything. I definitely want to keep an eye on my depth...
Had a guest today from a local crossfit gym, Julie Rode-Wilson. She is doing a raw meet next month and came to get some work in. Her form is good just a couple minor tweaks and she'll have a good meet.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Bench for Charity

Wednesday night I helped and did a local bench contest to raise toys for local kids. I posted earlier that the gym that puts it on had been burglarized and vandalized and all the toys had been stolen. Well, when we showed up you would have never known. If I heard correct there were over 150 bicycles donated and over 1000 toys... It was the biggest collection they'd ever had. It was awesome.
Here we're maybe 20 girls and guys benching and my wife Mindy had the biggest bench for the girls with 215. I had the biggest for men with 555. I tried 575 which would have been a 2lb pr but I dumped it. One of my training partners Andrew Kneib got a 20lb pr bench of 450. All in all it was a fun night and it was really cool to see all the support for something like that. Sometimes I think that this country is gone to hell but then you'll see something like this and maybe there is a chance...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Week 1 of Deadlifts for Arnold

Totally sucked.
I've got my numbers out of whack and am going back to the drawing board. Last training cycle totally sucked for deads and tonight was a continuation of all that. I'm trying to think this out but I'm confused. The only answer that comes is I am a totally different puller at a meet than the gym. I know there's supposed to be a difference but mine is huge for pulls.
So, off to a Epsom salt soak and bench competition tomorrow night.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Helping Out

Today I didn't do anything since I'm doing the bench meet Wednesday. I'll deadlift tomorrow night and count my bench training for this week at the competition. Also found out some a-hole broke in, vandalized, and stole the toys that had been collected so far. Unbelievable. The big haul of toys comes in on the night of the contest but damn... Some people need a good dose of ultra-violence.
I'm helping some guys in the gym that are doing an APF meet in Orlando on February 23. One of them, Jason Breece, is really looking strong. He doesn't really know it yet but I'm trying to get it in his head. He has numbers in his head that look like he's underestimating by 100lbs... He had to take some time off due to a family illness and is just getting back in stride. I'm looking forward to seeing how the meet goes.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Week 1 of 10 Geared Training for Arnold

Good news came yesterday that I was getting in gear this week instead of another week raw. To say the least it made my day. I love lifting in gear. I love gear. I'm a gear whore 100%. I wouldn't powerlift if I couldn't use it. Can't explain why... It's just who I am. I don't look down on those who don't and don't understand why anyone cares how you lift, he lifts, or they lift. Lift and have fun.
I tried the Jack squatter today. No real opinion on it yet. I think the legs were a little long so I'll roll then up a little next week. I took 605x2x2 then 655 RB 2x2. All of it felt heavy but it moved OK. Depth wasn't great but not to bad for the first time in a new suit. I can't link videos here but you can check the video out on YouTube. My profile is bkupowerlifter.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Deadlifts 12 Weeks Out From Arnold

One more week of raw torture... Tonight wasn't too bad. 4x5 with 455. Conventional pulls have really been feeling good so it's still up in the air how I'll pull in my gear. Some rows, shrugs, and hypers finished the night.
I'm so ready to get in some gear. The geared meet prep is my favorite part of all this. I don't think I would even compete if I couldn't use gear.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Bench 12 Weeks Out From Arnold

Today I deviated from the plan to see where I was for the Christmas bench competition. I hadn't been in a shirt for six weeks so I was anxious to see how it would go. I had just gotten the shirt altered a little and thought it was a little too much and I was right. I tried to a 3 bd and it was all messed up. So, I cut some of the stitches out of the sleeve fin and put it back on. Worked really good and now I have some reference to get it re-sewn. I took 405 & 455 to a 2bd, 495 to a 1 bd, 545 all the way, and then 605 to a 3 bd. I felt a little slow but not horrible considering. Hopefully this link will work:

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Squats 12 Weeks Out From Arnold

Today sucked... I sucked. No excuses. I've had some kind of stomach thing going on for a few days and its taking its toll. I spent as much time in the bathroom as I did lifting. I was supposed to go 5x5 but I did four sets and called it. I did my three sets of pause squats but my weights were terrible. 315 felt like 700... Hopefully this stuff will run its course and go. I just finished a huge breakfast at Perkins and I'm gonna try and gorge and push it out...
I limped through my lunges and extensions and the abs at the end royally sucked. I hate being sick as much as I hate lifting raw. Only five more raw sessions to go, thank God.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Acc 13 Weeks Out From Arnold

Tonight was supposed to be a test run in my Jack shirt. I had some work done to it this afternoon. Well, only one person showed up tonight so that was a wash. I did try the shirt on and it may have been a little to aggressive with alterations but I'll find out Sunday.
I started warming up like I was going in my shirt. As it became apparent I wasn't going to have spotters I cut it off at 365 for a single. I was a little annoyed so I didn't do a whole lot more. A couple sets of db flys, shoulder presses, band lateral raises, and band pre-hab. Not a very productive night but I did some work.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Deadlift 13 Weeks Out From Arnold

Lots of work last night. I was beat when I got home... I did speed pulls for 25 reps. I used 235 with the short orange bands. Fun. Next up was close stance squats for 3x8. Then dumbbell rows, shrugs, and finished off with hanging abs. I haven't done those in a long time and my abs are SORE. A lot of volume and it got me. But, I know the carryover to the gear is gonna be awesome.
I'm taking my shirt to get some alterations tomorrow. Tweaking it just a little and am going to try it out tomorrow night. Work up just a little to see where I need to be for the charity bench competition. I'm looking forward to this it'll be a lot of fun plus bring in a bunch of toys for kids at Christmas time.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Bench 13 Weeks Out From Arnold

Bench training has been going pretty good so far. Feel really stable and strong. I'm loving floor presses and how I think there working. Sets of 5 reps today with 335. Got a little heavy there at the end but they felt good. I did wide grip presses for reps, some skull crushers, and push downs to finish up.
On the 19th there is a local charity bench press competition here if Ft Myers. A couple guys from the gym and myself are going to do it this year. I'm gonna shirt up and see how it goes. I'll probably put my shirt on Thursday and get a feel since I haven't put any gear on since the XPC. It'll be fun and they always collect a lot of toys for kids.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Squats 13 Weeks Out From Arnold

Today was speed work. Took forever to warm up but I finally was able to get down. 5 sets @ 275 for speed. Felt good to really work on popping out of the hole. After squats I was out in the parking lot for some lunges. These are still gassing me a little but my legs sure feel good once I'm done. Next up was extensions then finished with some up-down planks.