Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Week 2 Bench - 12/29/2014

Benching went pretty good.  Still trying to get used to and break in this new red Overkill shirt.  It is a beast for sure.  The first shirt that actually fit me and that I learned to shirted bench in was a 2 ply Overkill.  That shirt beat me to death and it took about six months to be able to touch.  Every since then I have been able to work with any shirt pretty easy...  Not this red one.  Wow, it is a serious shirt.
Last night I worked up with doubles, 565 to a 2Bd, 605 to a 1Bd (video), and then 635 to a 3Bd.  You can see in the video how bad it gets in that 1Bd area.  I feel so out of position and it feels like I'm not getting the drive and belly that I need.  But, I'll keep working it the best I can.
Next up was close-grip reverse band presses to a 3Bd for triples.  Love these...  Got a small PR of 725 for 3.  I know I say it all the time but these are a game changer.  After these my elbows felt like they were going to pop.  So I finished off with some band press-downs.  Good night of training.

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