Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Week 2 Pulls - December 31, 2014

My back was still pretty tight so I decided to pull sumo and see how things went.  It felt really good up until I got to the working weight I was supposed to triple, 600.  It was pure shakey crap and I only got a single...  Oh well, it had been a year since I had tried sumo.  After that I decided to move on and did some front squats.  I suck at these so I am going to throw these in regularly.  Shrugs finished things up.  New Years Eve, and we are going to try and be in bed before 11.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Week 2 Bench - 12/29/2014

Benching went pretty good.  Still trying to get used to and break in this new red Overkill shirt.  It is a beast for sure.  The first shirt that actually fit me and that I learned to shirted bench in was a 2 ply Overkill.  That shirt beat me to death and it took about six months to be able to touch.  Every since then I have been able to work with any shirt pretty easy...  Not this red one.  Wow, it is a serious shirt.
Last night I worked up with doubles, 565 to a 2Bd, 605 to a 1Bd (video), and then 635 to a 3Bd.  You can see in the video how bad it gets in that 1Bd area.  I feel so out of position and it feels like I'm not getting the drive and belly that I need.  But, I'll keep working it the best I can.
Next up was close-grip reverse band presses to a 3Bd for triples.  Love these...  Got a small PR of 725 for 3.  I know I say it all the time but these are a game changer.  After these my elbows felt like they were going to pop.  So I finished off with some band press-downs.  Good night of training.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Week 2 Squats - 12/28/2014

I tweaked my lower back a little pulling last week. It's super tight still so I didn't do any heavy squats. I started with leg presses. I worked up doing sets of ten to around 700, nothing crazy. Next I did some cambered bar squats for three sets of five with 245. Back felt fine doing these and I think it helped stretch everything out. Finished with ten sets of ten leg extensions. Light easy day.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Week 1 Pulls - December 26

Things went okay tonight, I was totally exausted when I walked into the gym. This was week one of my pulls so I didn't push it too hard. I worked up to roughly 85% for triples. Next I moved over to do some cambered bar squats for reps, these sucked because they were Unequipped. A few sets of leg curls and standing band crunches and I was done. 

Meet Prep Week 1 - 12/26/2014

Things have been very unorganized with my training the last few weeks.  With Christmas and moving we haven't had much time for anything but that.  Now that we have settled into our new home and Christmas is behind us its time to start getting focused.  I have decided to not do the XPC this year, I am going to stay closer to home to save some money and get things back in order after a hectic and expensive close of the year.  I have two meets in mind but haven't decided on which one, both are on February 28th.
Tonight I am going to finish up week one of prep with pulls.  I missed the squat session Saturday because I was squatting furniture and then Sunday we were in Tampa for the APF Outlaw Meet hosted by Tampa Barbell, very good meet.  I was able to bench on Tuesday and was pretty happy with it.  Nothing to crazy, triples up to 575 to a 2bd.  Then close grip presses with a light reverse band to 700 off a 3bd for triples. That is my favorite bench exercise of all, so much can be gained from it.
So, the prep begins and hopefully I'll hold together and make it through another one.