Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Benching Week 2 for Relentless 9/8/14

Last night was a little rough.  Not 100% sure why but both my biceps were hurting pretty bad.  And it took forever for my elbows to warm up...  I wanted to call it a couple of times but pushed on through.  I was supposed to go for 395 3x2, but that wasn't happening.  So i went to 375 for 3x2 unequipped.  All three sets sucked and hurt like hell.  Then it was 2x3 with the slingshot.  Lat week I had done 425 for 2x2 and wanted to hit more but thought since it was triples I better be conservative considering my elbows and biceps.  I put the slingshot on and the first set was nothing and there was very little pain...  So I decided to go up and did a very ease triple with 445, see video:
I was pretty much done and ended the night with some very light pressdowns.  I'm going to ice down and see how things go.  I think that the issue may be the added day of shoulders/back/arms.  It may take me a few weeks to get my recovery in order for the extra work.  But, its nothing I cant push thru...
Don't forget our meet on September 27th!

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