Had some issues Sunday with training. Couple things came up and I had to cut it short. Only worked up to around 450 in briefs for squats and 405 for pulls. It ended up being a half ass deload.
I got my new red Overkill shirt and Monday i put it on for the first time. The fit is really good, chest plate is very tight... We didn't have many spotters that night, 1... so i worked in it at 405 for a few sets of triples then a single with 495. I might have gotten to a 2 to 2.5 board. I'm not going to really use boards breaking it in just keep working it for doubles and triples.
Mindy and I are having a small push/pull meet at our gym, The Weight Pile on Saturday.
Squats went pretty good considering the issues I've had lately. I was in some new Ace briefs for the second time and am back in my Jack squat suit. I have gained a little bit of weight... Up to almost 305 now. Everything fit pretty good and I felt comfortable with the weight on my back. I was definitely high and I'll be working on that. Pulling heavy afterward is something that I am coming to like, so far. I worked up to a triple with 585. Here is the video:
Warm-ups on my bench felt really good and I thought I was going to do well getting back in my shirt. Not so. The added body-weight has my shirt off. I have never had a problem with touching in this shirt since the first time I put it on. I couldn't get to a 2 board with 455 do I knew something was up. Then my thumbs started going numb. I pulled on the sleeves and tried to work my bicep around and it did help some. I was supposed to do triples and got to 565 and when I hit my second rep to a 1.5 board I slipped and almost lost it. I just racked it and tried to wipe off and sprayed a little stickum on my back. I took 600 next and the first rep was super ugly and slow and I slipped again. Something popped in my left forearm so i shut it down. I got the shirt off and everything was fine, no marks or bruising on my forearm so it must have been nothing big... I finished with a set of 20 reps close grip with 225. Here is video:
So now I'm waiting on a new shirt that should arrive any day now. Really looking forward to Relentless.
Pretty good night. Form pulls tonight, 3x2 conventional off of a 1.5" defecit then 3x2 off 3/4" deficit sumo. Weight was 320+90lbs of chains. The weight was probably a little more than it should have been for the sumos but it was fun. I'm not a big no belt person but I'm doing the form pull/squat days with no belt to see how it goes. We did leg presses and extensions to finish off. Tried to focus on the quads tonight.
Last night was a little rough. Not 100% sure why but both my biceps were hurting pretty bad. And it took forever for my elbows to warm up... I wanted to call it a couple of times but pushed on through. I was supposed to go for 395 3x2, but that wasn't happening. So i went to 375 for 3x2 unequipped. All three sets sucked and hurt like hell. Then it was 2x3 with the slingshot. Lat week I had done 425 for 2x2 and wanted to hit more but thought since it was triples I better be conservative considering my elbows and biceps. I put the slingshot on and the first set was nothing and there was very little pain... So I decided to go up and did a very ease triple with 445, see video:
I was pretty much done and ended the night with some very light pressdowns. I'm going to ice down and see how things go. I think that the issue may be the added day of shoulders/back/arms. It may take me a few weeks to get my recovery in order for the extra work. But, its nothing I cant push thru...
Week 2 training for Relentless. Felt really good coming off last week. Body weight is around 295. I have had a terrible time fitting in my briefs so I got a pair of briefs from Chad Walker and had the sides taken in a little bit. I wore them for the first time today. Fit pretty good.
Unequipped up to 435x2
Briefs up to 615x2
Started pulling and ended up at 605x1
Really enjoying training these days and have an awesome crew to train with. We are having a small push/pull meet at The Weight Pile on September 27th. Hope to see you there.
I started my training for Relentless Sunday with a whole new program and split for my training. Sunday was squats and deads. I worked up to 425 for 3 raw then in briefs went to 600 x 3. Nothing spectacular just feeling things out. On deads I worked up to 520 for a double. Finished the day with weighted abs. I'm looking to help increase my endurance and also work my dead weekly by pulling on squat day.
Bench was pretty good. Feeling out the numbers. Did 375 for 3 x 3 raw then 425 for 2 x 2 in a slingshot. Here's a link to the last set of 375: