Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November 18, 2013 Benching

Tonight the plan was to work up to a good and heavy double.  I was looking forward to this because i had been doing more than 3 reps, which is what i consider high reps and i don't like that...  Warm ups felt really good and smooth.  They went like this - 135x5x2, 185x5, 225x2, 275x2, 315x2, 355x2, 380x2 which moved really nice and smooth.  So much so that i thought 405 was a shot for a double...  I went for it but only got one grinder of a rep.  Here is a link to the video:
405 Bench Press Video

I had been wondering about where i was on a raw max and i found out.  Now lets get into the shirt and see what has happened with that over the last few weeks.  After the presses i did some skull crushers, push downs and flys.  Normal stuff.
I am looking forward to getting back into the meet prep.  That is my favorite part of training.  We decided to go with a 6 week prep for this meet and its almost time start up...

Saturday, November 16, 2013

November 16, 2013 Squats

Not to bad of a day today. The plan was some heavy doubles. That went prett y good and did a top set at 510. I'm still breaking in my new briefs so I threw them on to hit a few more doubles.  One of my training partners Chris starting talking crap so I went a little further...  I ended up hitting 700 for a single. It was OK, a little slower than I would have liked but not terrible. After that we did some front squats.  They pretty much suck and I can't ever keep the bar from rolling down my front delt. Some parking lot lunges were up next then finished off with some extensions and some core work. Just a couple more weeks of this raw crap and then I can start getting ready for the RPS Nationals. Looking forward to New Jersey in January...

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November 13, 2013 Playing Catch Up

I have totally sucked at keeping my log up to date. But raw training sucks and it's hard to get excited about writing what's been going on. My volume has been in the three-five range the last few weeks on the lifts. Bodybuilding type accessory volume. Wow. Exciting stuff. I have been playing around with pulling conventional though. I borrowed a Metal King Pro from Chad Walker and I want to see how it feels in gear. Tonight I pulled sumo raw, which always worries me some because I've strained my hip flexor more than once doing it. It felt pretty good tonight though and my top set of five was at 455. 
Brian decided to try a short meet prep since I'm coming off a meet. So I'll only be doing a six week prep. I'll do better at logging my training once I'm back in gear...