Saturday, July 27, 2013

7/27/2013 Week 1 of 10 Squats & Deads Training for XPC Semi's

Today I started my ten week meet prep program.  Brian sent everything to me Friday and it is a pretty big change-up from what he has had me doing in the past.  Brian has been coaching me for a little over a year now and this will be our fourth meet together.  Since I started powerlifting in October of 2010 this stretch since the Arnold is the longest I've went without competing.  I did do a bench meet but that doesn't really count.  I tried to talk Brian into a full meet but he was pretty adamant that I not, so...  He was right though, I feel that I am as close to 100% as I have since I started.  Thanks Brian for all the offseason programming that has brought me back to life...
The biggest change has been that I'm squatting and pulling on the same day.  Wednesday was my pull day but now it is all accessory work.   So, today was the first squat/pull day of this training cycle.  It went really well considering it was a pretty light day.  The only negative that I saw was that with 565 for the squats I couldn't get down very good at all.  It usually takes around 700 to be able to hit depth so as the weeks go by and the weight gets heavier then I'll start really worrying about it.  I did three sets of three on the squats in full gear once I got to 565.  Once I got the briefs and suit off I had to sit down for about ten minutes to chill and catch my breath.  My gear is super tight since I have gained this additional ten pounds and it is a pain in the ass to get off.  Then I had to put on my DL suit...  It's not so bad and I don't wear briefs with it and I wear Under Armour type underwear under it so it can move around.  I worked up to 475 for two sets of three.  My deadlift is sucking big time and I hope this new approach will make it move again.  After pulls I went to rack pulls and finished with a top set of three at 605.  As I was loading the bar in the rack I also hit my head on one of the pins and cut it.  Dumb ass...  It wasn't a bad cut at all but it wouldn't stop bleeding, Mindy finally took a paper towel and some masking tape and fixed me up.  Pulling the sled was up next.  It has been awhile since I had done that and it got my quads fired up.  Finished the day with some McGill crunches.  Good day.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

7-20-13 Squats

I was all fired up for another PR on top set of 2 squats...  Well, wasn't the day.  I don't know if it was the speed squats from the other day or what but i just felt like crap.  I got a good double with 655 but i was done after that.  I guess you cant have a PR every week unfortunately.  After the squats i was feeling pretty beat down so i took it a little easy.  I did some extensions, GHR, and some planks and side bends.  I'm really looking forward to starting me 10 week meet prep.  I was on the fence as to what meet I was going to do.  I knew I was going to compete on October 5th but just wasn't sure where...  Money is tight and travel costs add up quick.  I was thinking about doing a local meet and saving a lot of money but my wife put a creative plan together and it looks like I'll be in Columbus for the XPC again.  I'm excited to go to the Semi's again and i love Columbus.  So, let the games begin...

7-17-13 Accessory

Now that i am pulling after squats Wednesday has turned into a accessory day.  Tonight i did some speed box squats.  Well, they were supposed to be speed...  I was feeling really good and just kept going.  I was doing triples and ended up with 415 on the bar with a black Elitefts band which is somewhere around 200-250 lbs at lockout.  So, I pushed it way to far.  But the work felt good.  I did some pull ups, rows, stiff leg DL's, and some core work to end the night.  Fun night...

7-14-13 Bench

Haven't really touched the flat bench in the last few weeks.  After the bench only meet I've only done dumbbell work and floor presses.  Its felt pretty good and I know that the strength from this change up will help.  I did a few sets of 10 with the 125's then grabbed the 150's for a last set of 8.  Those things were heavy, I haven't used them in a long time.  After that it was incline presses, skull crushers, and band flys.

7-13-13 Squats

Today was a top set of 5 reps.  I haven't ever tracked my rep PR's that much and definitely not in briefs only.  I finished up the day with a set of 5 with 615.  I have never really done more than doubles over 500 so thats a PR.  It felt pretty good and the first couple moved pretty quick.  My depth wasnt perfect but this far out I'm fine with it.
Next up was pulls.  We are trying the pull after squats thing to see how it goes.  I know I'm not pulling to 100% because of the squats but there feeling OK.  I worked up to 550 for a double and shut it down.
Bunches of accessory work.  This 5 week plan has had a LOT more work/volume and it gets pretty rough in the South Florida heat.  But, my bodyweight is around 292 and I'm not loosing so thats good.

Monday, July 8, 2013

7/7 Bench

Deload week. The plan was to do 3x10 floor presses, 50 flys, and 50 push downs. Finished that up pretty quick and easy. Mindy and Christian, the 16 year old thats been training with us, were doing some other things on the bench so I helped them finish up. After they finished they did some reverse band close grip presses. When they were done we started breaking stuff down but I just put the bar down on the pin that was in the lowest position and did a quick Deadlift, then everybody else did too...  It all got out of hand pretty quick. Next thing I know it's only me and Christian Left and there's 675 lbs on the bar. We both got it and called it at that. I was very happy with Christian and how hard he pushed. He's going to do our meet in August then a full meet in December. I've looked at some numbers and he's got a pretty good chance at a record pull. Really excited to see him grow and get stronger. 

7/6 Squats

This is a deload week. It was also the weekend I went to get Shane, my oldest son. So, I got up and drove to pick him up instead of the gym in the AM. Mindy rode with me and we got back home around 1PM. We thought about going to the gym but neither one of us felt like being in the truck any longer. 
Garage gym - all I did was 3x3 squats, 3x3 pulls, and some good mornings. Easy light day. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

6/30 Bench

Mindy and I have been helping a 16 year old kid for the last couple weeks. He can't train Sunday morning so we've been meeting him in the afternoon. I usually get up train in the morning and go back for him and Mindy. Well, I decided I'd sleep in and train with them yesterday. Bad idea...  I was up at the normal time and Laid around eating crap and watching pit masters on Netflix.  So I was dragging ass and my stomach hurt when I got to the gym. I'm doing pretty much bodybuilding for bench the next few weeks so it wasn't to bad. DB presses 3x10 w/125's, floor presses for 3x8 w/275, then skull crushers, flys, and I threw in some shoulder prehab stuff. 
Mindy put her Jack shirt for the first time. The sleeves are about a 1/2" too long but she got an easy 250 off a three board. But one hand went numb so we called it and got the shirt off. She'll have a video up soon. She's gonna kick ass in a shirt. 

6/29 Squats

I worked up to a max double in briefs. I've never really tracked maxes in just briefs but I know this was a PR. 705x2...  They were a little high but at this point in my cycle and in just briefs I'll take it. I felt pretty shaky and after the first one I thought about before going back down. But, it's time to stop thinking about the number so much and just squat. I am very mental and I can miss a lift the day before I even take it if I over think it. 705 is a lot of weight but I know I can do it so I have to stop thinking about that. After squats I pulled doubles and went in the mid 5's but I was spent after squats. Normal accessory work afterwards.