Monday, June 24, 2013

6/23 Bench

Dumbbell floor presses for 3x15@100
Incline DB presses for 3x15@100
Band press downs 50 reps rest pause
Band flys 50 reps rest pause
Band shoulder prehab
Shrugs DB 2x25@70's
Changing everything up and trying some new things. Getting a little break for the next few weeks before meet prep. 

6/22 Squats

Started new plan today. Crazy work, for me anyway. Warmed up and got into briefs. 
Squats 5x5@545
Pulls 5x2@505
Briefs off...
Pause squats 3x8@305
GM's 3x10@225
Then some GHR and planks. 
Definitely felt this one. Body weight is between 288-292 so I'm happy with that. Getting everything organized and worked up for October 5. Ready for a full meet. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Catching Up....

I have sucked at keeping my log up to date. My training has pretty much been going week to week. Regular communication with Brian. We went into a maintenance mode on squats and deads and focused on my bench. I had trained raw since March. I had hit several raw PR's on all lifts. We decided all we needed was a couple weeks in the shirt. So at 5 weeks out I did two weeks of lighter shirt/higher board work. Deload for a week. Then heavy boards and touched a couple times. I was off two weeks out and missed 540 and it really screwed my head up. But the next week everything went perfect. I've put on some weight and am weighing in at about 290. I was floating about an inch from touching so the shirt was tighter and had a little different groove. But it also had more pop. So the day of the meet came...  Mindy was competing full power raw. I was handling her and she was kicking ass. She finished the day with 275-205-320 for a 800 lbs total and Best Female Lifter. Not bad for her first raw meet. I opened with 575 and it was easy. Went for my goal of 600 second and got it with a little stall at lockout. I pretty much knew I was done but decided to go for 620 and missed it. But, finally hit 6 in a meet. New territory and new confidence. I went from 584 in March to 600 in June. Not to bad, 16 lbs PR. Thanks Brian for all the work and help.