Monday, April 27, 2015

APF Gulf Coast Meet Recap

A quick write up of my meet on Saturday the 25th.  Things went pretty good and I’m happy with my total.  This had been a crazy prep since I had started on 12/20 with the plan of doing a meet on February 28th.  That meet sold out so I found a meet 4 weeks later which I bombed out of…  I was pissed and wanted to do something so decided to do the APF Gulf Coast Meet.  So, 18 weeks of meet prep later I walked into the meet in New Port Richey, FL.  I felt pretty good and warm ups went really good.  Joe Norman was also competing and it was a real pleasure to lift and compete with him.  My squat had been inconsistent the last five weeks or so and I had no idea of really what would happen.  My knees had also started caving in out of nowhere.  I had never had them do that and I am really going to have to rework my set up and form if I want to take it to the next level.  I opened with 777 and it was fine.  Took 826 which is a 6lbs PR on my second, got called on depth.  Took it on a third and got it.  BUT, knees caved in and just an ugly squat.  Bench warm ups went smooth and fast.  Opened with an easy 584.  Took 639 on my second, an 11lbs PR and it felt like air.  I took 661 on my third and didn’t really groove it back up right and I pressed into the lip of the rack.  I really doubt I had the strength in my right arm though, I felt it lagging.  With deadlifts I only took three warm up pulls and then opened light with 633 and it felt slow and like crap.  But I went to 705 next a 5 lbs PR and a 25lbs full meet PR.  It went up smooth and felt way better than the 633.  I had wanted to total 2200 so took 738 for my third but it wasn’t happening.  So, I ended up with a 2171 total, 71lbs PR.  And I PR’d all my lifts a little. 

I want to thank Rick Lawrence for a very good meet.  Jayson McNett for all the help with training, 116lbs on my total in less than a year.  All the guys and girls from The Weight Pile, Andrew, Matt, Dennis, Kristi, and Jessica.  Donnie Kiernan for coming to help with hand-offs.  Beast Sports Nutrition for awesome supplements and support as well as WarHammer Gym Gear.  AND, Mindy for always being right there.  Even with food poisoning this weekend she never missed a beat and coached me and cheered me on just like always.  I love you and thank you for supporting me. 
1st in Multi Ply 308 and 2nd Overall to the awesome Joe Norman

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Week 10 Squats & Bench

IThis past weekend I helped set up and judge a strongman contest here in Ft Myers.  So, on Friday evening we went to the gym and loaded up all we needed.  We were going to meet at the venue and set up at 9AM for a noon start.  Well, at 3:30AM I was called into work...   I got back home at 7:50AM and laid down until 9 and hauled butt off to set up.  The strongman went off perfect and we had a blast.  Afterwards we loaded everything back up, and unloaded it and set up the gym.  Fun times.  I squatted on Sunday morning and really thought I might work up to low 7's and call it considering the strongman and not squatting the previous two weeks.  To my surprise the squats felt really good warming up so I went with it.
155 x 10
255 x 5
345 x 2
445 x 2
535 x 2
635 x 1
735 x 1
825 x 1
The last two sets were weird, all of a sudden the weight felt heavy and didn't pop out of the rack like it was.  oh well, the 825 is actually a 5 lbs meet PR, so on a day were things weren't that great I still got it.  Here is video of the last two sets:

I have been really struggling with the bench lately.  Trying to break in this red overkill shirt has been hard. I decided to try and set up in the power rack and use reverse bands to try and load it up and see if that would work.  Why?  I don't know really just getting desperate.  It didn't work, I worked up to a 695 1 Bd press but couldn't get down.  I gave up on that shirt and threw an old 2 ply black material Overkill shirt on that Ive had laying around.  The chest plate is too wide but it fits half ass.  I hit 550 in it a couple years ago I think and then changed shirts.  I touched with a 605 RB, horribly, but I did it.  So, for the last couple weeks I'll work that shirt to find an opener and maybe second and if I feel froggy throw the Red Whore on for a stupid third...  

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Week 9 Bench - 2/16/2015

I have had a sinus infection and ended up taking Sunday off from squats...
Bench on Monday night was OK...  Still couldn't touch in the red whore.
135 x 12
245 x 5
295 x 2
335 x 2
385 x 2
425 x 2 w/ slingshot
Shirted Sets, no boards just took it as low as I could
515 x 2
605 x 1
655 x 1
655 x 1
I posted video on Facebook but I think I got a little bit lower but nothing to brag about.  I'm still not getting the bar out enough which is causing the groove to be high where I'm trying to touch....  Just have to take it out more.  The first 655 was maybe at a half board but all over the place and I did press it fast.  The second was maybe a little lower on the belly but still half board off and I lost it when I pressed and missed it....  I'm really starting to think I may not be strong enough for this shirt.  Everyone I see using it successfully are benching at least mid 7's.  I don't know.  I'm going to keep pushing and I'll lift in it on March 21 at my meet. I have decided I will go with it, I'm a multiply lifter and if I miss three attempts and bomb...oh well.  I was considering opening raw but that will give me a way out and I wont go for it with everything.  Live and die by the gear....

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Week 8 Pulls - 2/11/15

With RUM VIII I didn't train Sunday or Monday this week.  Just got back in last night for some pulls.  I changed up my DL training and am going to see how it goes with this meet.  Speaking of RUM we had a good time.  Mindy did really well but wasn't pleased with how things turned out.  She had tweaked her hamstring just a little moving around during her cut.  She was so dehydrated that its really a wonder it wasn't worse.  She missed her last squat with falling back, she had never done that before and looking at the video it looks like she had her foot placement off just a little.  But she had a nice 32 lbs squat PR.  Her bench has been off with some changes that she has recently made and she was very conservative.  She went 3 for 3 and ended with a 248 lbs bench, that is only 7 lbs off her best so in the big picture it was a good bench day.  Deadlifts had been going OK during her training cycle and her opener, 407 lbs,  went very smooth.  her second was 446 lbs only a couple pounds off her best but she got to the top and her hips just wouldn't push through.  I blame her hamstring but she has other opinions.  All in all compared to last years RUM she made a huge total PR of 112 lbs so she is definitely headed in the right direction.
Last night I worked up with doubles:
225 x 2
225 x 2
325 x 2
425 x 2
525 x 2
625 x 2
Block pulls focusing of form and speed:
515 for 6 sets of 3
I was gassed on these, we were going about every ninety seconds.  Fun...

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Week 7 Benching - Meet Change...

I've been trying to break this red Overkill in, The Red Whore, for several weeks.  I made it to about a 1/2" off my chest Monday but then I couldn't get the weight turned around and locked out.  This has been very frustrating but it is slowly getting closer and closer.  I had been planning on doing a meet on February 28th but it has sold out...  So, I am going to do a meet on March 21st.  That gives me five more weeks and more time to learn this shirt.  I am just going to deload this week, we are at RUM anyway, then repeat the last four weeks of my prep on the squat and somewhat on the bench.  My deadlift has been stagnant so I am going to tweak a few things and see if it makes a difference.  Here is video of the last touch attempt with 645:

Monday, February 2, 2015

Week 7 Squats - 2/1/15

Today the plan was to work doubles up to my opener.  The weight felt really good and light from the first set of 155 which honestly is unusual.  I had to work for a few hours after training so I wanted to get these squats in so I could work and be done and home at a reasonable hour.  This is how things went:
At this point I was about to pee all over myself and really didn't want to do that...  All of the squats felt really light and effortless so I just called it there, 715 will be approximately my last warm up.
I did three quick sets of reverse hypers and hit the road for work.  Got home in plenty of time to not watch the super bowl, we turned it on for a few minutes because Mindy had an assignment for school to pick two commercials, one that she liked and one that she didn't.  It wasn't hard to pick the ones that sucked...  And that was one of the least entertaining football games I've ever watched, well ten minutes of it...

Friday, January 30, 2015

Week 6 Pulls - 1/28/2014

Decided to pull off 2" blocks since the week had gotten messed up and we squatted on Monday night.  I wanted to plate up until 675, which is in the middle of what I want to open with and my second. All of those pulls felt OK, the 675 went fast enough with just a little shake of the legs.  The last set was going to be 705 which is my planned second.  I pulled and it only got to my knees and died...  I hate missing lifts in the gym.  Especially 4 weeks out from a meet.  This is the week that I go for PRs and big numbers in the training cycle.  So, I'm going to stick with the plan of opening around 640 and then I'll make the call on a second from there.  I would really like to get a 7+ pull in a full meet, I pulled 700 but it was in a DL only meet.
I finished the night off with some accessory work and a few sets of decline sit ups while holding 100 lbs of dumbbells.  No benching this week.  I will get back at it Monday night.  Trying a little trick to see if I can finally touch in the new shirt...

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Week 6 Squats - 1/26/2015

We went into the gym Sunday morning which is squat day and found the monolift broken…  I was just a little bit upset about this considering whoever broke it hid the fact that it was broken and also didn’t tell anyone…  I pulled the piece off and on e of the guys, Chris, had a buzz box at home and he got it welded back together and we put everything back together last night…  So, instead of Monday night benching we were squatting.  I am four weeks out from the meet I’m doing on February 28th and this is when I go the heaviest and really test where I am.  It went like this:

Bar x 10
155 x 5
265 x 3
355 x 2
465 x 1
Added Suit
555 x 1
665 x 1
715 x 1
775 x 1 Planned Opener
830 x 1 Planned Second Attempt and also a 10 lbs. Meet PR

After the 830 I had planned on doing 1000 with reverse average bands.  I have been using reverse light bands this training cycle and have done a pretty good 920 with them.  I really wanted to feel the grand on my back and I think that would have indicated I would have been able to handle an 875-900 lbs. third attempt.  But, I wasn’t happy with the 830 at all.  It was OK but I think it was high and my setup was off.  My left foot was a little behind the bar and I was a little shaky.  I decided to go for 955 reverse average bands and was going to really focus on burying it and calling it.  I unracked the weight and it didn’t feel bad at first but then I started the toes to heels back and forth crap.  Usually if I just tighten up and start back it’ll stop, this time it didn’t and the shakiness was there.  I only went down for a second and just stood back up and racked it.  There’s no excuse I just wasn’t all the way on last night but I’m thinking maybe the time made a difference???  I usually squat in the mornings and it was about 9 PM when I tried the 955… who knows.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Week 4 Pulls - 1/14/15

Pulls...  They used to be my favorite lift but after almost two years of struggles I really hate them. I have to force myself to be motivated to do them. Last night was the first kind of heavy training leading to the 2/28 meet. 
Several warm-ups
630 2x2
I was supposed to then do 665 for a triple off 6" blocks..  I hit it for a single and my legs started shaking half way up, which isn't unusual. But what was is after I set the first rep down I let the bar go and I didn't stop shaking...  Elvis impersonation. It lasted maybe ten seconds and I grabbed the bar hoping to finish. No go. Done... That was weird. I chilled for a bit and finished with GHRs and abs. I was beat. 
This morning my alarm clock went off and I started to get up but I felt awful. I called my boss and said I need to rest something is off with me. I laid back down and slept about an hour. I got up and still felt awful. Mindy took my temperature and it was 100 even. I laid around and slept all day. Barely ate anything. Finally about 9 PM the fever broke and I was starving. Very weird. No nausea or anything just the fever. Who knows....

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Week 4 Bench - 1/12/15

Was supposed to get close to my openers. I've been in the red overkill for several weeks and it's whipping my ass. So, I thought I would just throw my jack on and use it one more time...  Rookie mistake. Felt worse than the overkill has. I've just got to be more confident and aggressive with it...  It was pure crap so I just took it off and did some close grips in a slingshot. Incline DB presses and press downs. And ate cake, it was my birthday too. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Week 4 Squats - 1/11/2015

Had a really good weekend.  Friends of ours, Jim Baily and Kelley Denney came over and stayed with us Friday and Saturday night.  They trained on Saturday and we helped a little with their technique.  They are doing very good and we were happy to have them.

We got up Sunday and headed to the gym.  I ate my McDonald's and drank my coffee then we started warming up.  Things felt pretty good and I thought I might have a good day.  The plan was to take my estimated opener then a second and third reverse band.I'm thinking 775 for an opener then 825 for a 5 lbs PR on my second and then who knows for a third.  I have been trying to touch 900+ on my heavy days some kind of way.  I did 900 with light reverse bands a few weeks ago and then 700 bar weight with 200 lbs of band last week.  So, I wanted to push it a little and went 920 with light reverse bands.  The 775 and 825 went smooth with decent depth and my dip was good.  The 920 wasn't as good, I got just a little on my toes at the bottom and where I would normally dip I came up...  But, I want to get acclimated to that kind of weight.  I goal I set awhile back was to squat 1000 by the time I was 40.  Well, today I turn 40...  Its a pretty hefty goal to get to 1000 when your officially only at 820 but I'm gonna give it hell these next 365 days...  
I finished the day with some high rep leg presses and reverse hypers.  Did a couple quick sets of abs and then off to Texas Roadhouse for lunch.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Week 3 Pulls - 1/7/2014

Pulled triples up to my work set of 425(60%). Did one set competition stance and one set sumo. This was in gear with very loose straps.  The eight felt nice and light like it should. 
We just got a GHR and a Reverse Hyper in the gym so we are all using them. I was supposed to do stiff leg DLs but went for the ghr instead. I'm not good at these so 3x8 had my hams lit up...  I'm definitely feeling them now, the day after. 
Next up were DB rows 3x12. After those I did a couple sets of very light SLDL to stretch my hams out. I finished with some standing ab work with a band. 
Don't forget to get your registrations in for 2015 Redemption!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Week 3 Bench - 1/5/2015

Tonight was a deload bench.  Nothing really interesting...
Floor Presses with 255 for 3x5
Dumbell Incline Presses 3x20
Band Press Down 3x50
Band Flys 3x15
Done and done...
We have got the info up on the Weight Pile website for our 2015 Redemption Powerlifting Meet under the upcoming events page.  It will be held on May 30 here in Fort Myers.  We have already had several entries come in so get yours in.  It is going to be bigger and better than last year.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Week 3 Squats - 1/4/2015

My back was feeling OK and I was ready to squat finally, it had been a couple of weeks.  I started warming up and felt like crap...  Everything was tight and hurting.  Put on my briefs around 400ish and still felt like awful.  Threw my suit on and took 585, felt heavy and out of groove.  I was doing doubles and the plan was to go to 85%, I have felt over the last couple of meet prep that my squat has peaked around two weeks early.  So, I have been holding off on going at it 100% until week 4.  This was my last week to stay "light". My next set was 655 and the double felt perfect - light on my back and very fast and effortless.  That was a change.  I went to 705 (85%) and it was the same.  Very smooth and fast.  I had been thinking that if things went well I would throw a heavy band on for a single just for fun.  I put the blue EliteFTS band on which is supposed to be around 200lbs at 60" and left the bar at 700 lbs.  The unrack wasn't bad considering if the math is correct this is the most I've had on my back, I've done a 900 lbs reverse band squat but not like this.  It felt pretty good and I got pretty close to depth and turned it around OK.  It stalled for a second and then came on up to lockout, I was happy with the squat.
I did some light leg presses next for 3x20.  We also just got a glute/ham raise and reverse hyper in the gym, thanks Corey.  I tried to do some ghr but my hams were cramping way to bad...  I suck at them.  I did some reverse hypers for 3x10 and finished with some weighted decline abs.  Very good and productive day.