Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Week 10 Squats & Bench

IThis past weekend I helped set up and judge a strongman contest here in Ft Myers.  So, on Friday evening we went to the gym and loaded up all we needed.  We were going to meet at the venue and set up at 9AM for a noon start.  Well, at 3:30AM I was called into work...   I got back home at 7:50AM and laid down until 9 and hauled butt off to set up.  The strongman went off perfect and we had a blast.  Afterwards we loaded everything back up, and unloaded it and set up the gym.  Fun times.  I squatted on Sunday morning and really thought I might work up to low 7's and call it considering the strongman and not squatting the previous two weeks.  To my surprise the squats felt really good warming up so I went with it.
155 x 10
255 x 5
345 x 2
445 x 2
535 x 2
635 x 1
735 x 1
825 x 1
The last two sets were weird, all of a sudden the weight felt heavy and didn't pop out of the rack like it was.  oh well, the 825 is actually a 5 lbs meet PR, so on a day were things weren't that great I still got it.  Here is video of the last two sets:

I have been really struggling with the bench lately.  Trying to break in this red overkill shirt has been hard. I decided to try and set up in the power rack and use reverse bands to try and load it up and see if that would work.  Why?  I don't know really just getting desperate.  It didn't work, I worked up to a 695 1 Bd press but couldn't get down.  I gave up on that shirt and threw an old 2 ply black material Overkill shirt on that Ive had laying around.  The chest plate is too wide but it fits half ass.  I hit 550 in it a couple years ago I think and then changed shirts.  I touched with a 605 RB, horribly, but I did it.  So, for the last couple weeks I'll work that shirt to find an opener and maybe second and if I feel froggy throw the Red Whore on for a stupid third...  

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