Thursday, August 29, 2013

Squats Week 5 for XPC

We ran a push/pull meet on Saturday that went very well. April Mathis broke her own world record bench press. 435 lbs raw...  We also had seven RPS World Records broken!  Chad Walker pulled a big 835 lbs deadlift too. We really can't wait to do another meet, the next one will be a full meet. 
Since Saturday was meet set up, running, and breakdown we squatted on Monday night, our usual bench day. I have a terrible head cold and really felt like crap. But, squats felt awesome. I worked to two singles with 725 then a reverse band single with 775. Depth was real close if not good and the weight moved fast. Really happy about that. 
Deadlifts have been killing me in training for a long time now. Brian put squats a d deads in the same day to give me all week to recover and it's working. I've struggled to pull over 550 in training but I pulled an easy 575 for a double then 605 for a double off 4" blocks. The night couldn't have went better. 
I've realized that my hamstrings are a weak point for me and am pounding the GHR to try and bring them up. I royally suck at them and have to use a band to help pull me up. But, I'm working at it and my hams have been destroyed since...  

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