Thursday, August 29, 2013

Bench Week 5 for XPC

Wednesday night is our accessory night normally but because of the meet we rearranged the schedule. 
Still fighting this dang summer cold. Shirted up and did doubles all night. 545 to 1 bd, 575 to a 2 bd, and 645 to a 3 bd (PR). Very happy about how the night went. This has been one of the best training weeks I've had in forever. I tried to hit 645 awhile back and it was a big no go. So, what we've been doing is working no doubt. 
I'm on a plane right now with my 3 year old, Stone. We are going to Tennessee for two family reunions and to visit. All of my family lives there and except for my Mom and stepdad no one has met this little guy before. We are excited. So I'll deload this weekend in some hopefully not totally gay commercial gym then bench again Wednesday when I get back. Then it'll be time to be on a normal schedule for the last few weeks. Looking forward to the XPC. Gotta room booked and flight is booked. Now it's just time to go get some PR's!

Squats Week 5 for XPC

We ran a push/pull meet on Saturday that went very well. April Mathis broke her own world record bench press. 435 lbs raw...  We also had seven RPS World Records broken!  Chad Walker pulled a big 835 lbs deadlift too. We really can't wait to do another meet, the next one will be a full meet. 
Since Saturday was meet set up, running, and breakdown we squatted on Monday night, our usual bench day. I have a terrible head cold and really felt like crap. But, squats felt awesome. I worked to two singles with 725 then a reverse band single with 775. Depth was real close if not good and the weight moved fast. Really happy about that. 
Deadlifts have been killing me in training for a long time now. Brian put squats a d deads in the same day to give me all week to recover and it's working. I've struggled to pull over 550 in training but I pulled an easy 575 for a double then 605 for a double off 4" blocks. The night couldn't have went better. 
I've realized that my hamstrings are a weak point for me and am pounding the GHR to try and bring them up. I royally suck at them and have to use a band to help pull me up. But, I'm working at it and my hams have been destroyed since...  

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Week 4 and Catching Up

Really, really sucking at keeping this up to date. 2 weeks ago was a deload week so nothing of interest to report on that.
Saturday I squatted. I had worn my leviathan the first couple weeks but everything felt off. It fit best at around 278-280 lbs. Now, at 290+ it's just not right. My Jack had been a little loose at that weight so I put it on Saturday and it fit really nice. So, as of now I'm back in the Jack. I worked up to 2x2 at 685 and the weight didn't feel bad but I was all over the place. I did a single with 725 RB and it was a lot better. Maybe with the gear being quite a bit tighter the extra weight helped settle me in. 
After squats I did some form pulls very light. Then rack pulls up to 675 for an easy triple. 
Monday was some really nice work in the shirt. 2x2 at 570 to a 2bd, 545 x2 to a 1 bd, and 545 for a single to a half board. My favorite bench accessory is RB close grip board presses. They are a very good indicator of my bench and if its getting better. I worked up to 655 off a 4 bd which is a PR so that's a good sign for me. 
That pretty much catches up everything. I need to do better...

Monday, August 5, 2013

Squats-Deads-Bench Week 2

Not keeping up with this log at all...  Work has been insane. Got notified that we are out of our current gym location. Just signed the lease on the new place tonight. Planning the gym move for this Saturday...  Anyway. 
Last Saturday squats in full gear:  worked up to 645 for 2 sets of 3. Depth was still off but that's not enough weight. Felt good though. Deads: worked to 510 for 2 sets of 3. They felt decent. Rack pulled 655 for a good double. Core. Done. 
Sunday benching: massive amount of work. 570 for 3x3-3bd, 515 2x2-2bd, 480 1x1-1bd. Some RB CG shirted presses off 4bd. Triceps. Done.